DataVille is seeking its next

trainee assistant to M. Le Maire

Recent graduate, internet and social media expert

Requirements: - Interest in the game - Curiosity about personal data - Adventurous spirit

Salary: 50Ð / project handled

M. Le Maire
Datak is a serious game from RTS which aims to raise public awareness of the implications of data protection and Big Data. It is based on an 18-month journalistic investigation conducted by the radio programme On en Parle. The game is free. We work with an external service provider for the automatic SMS and voice call functions in the game. If you provide it in one of the dilemmas, your phone number will be stored for a maximum of one hour on our servers in a call queue. We do not store any of your other personal data. We record your score and the nickname you give us at the end of the game. For statistical purposes we record the number of players, games and final scores. All of this data remains on our servers in Switzerland. Datak also uses your browser's memory to record your game progress. To contact us or to request the removal of your personal data (phone number) from the database: All links lead to content from the RTS investigation. They are therefore only available in French. “Warning: any resemblance to real life is entirely deliberate and based on 18 months of journalistic investigation. Warning: Datak is a serious game and playing it can seriously harm your naivety and ignorance. Not recommended for narcissistic mayors and comes without pack instructions.”

DATAK a game from RTS

Concept and content

Julien Schekter & Bastien von Wyss – RTS David Hofer, Martin Charrière, Nicolas Gachoud, Nathanaël Monney – DNA Studios

Game design, graphics, animation and programming

DNA Studios, David Hofer, Martin Charrière, Nicolas Gachoud, Nathanaël Monney

With the support of

The youth and media platform of the FSIO and the website

A game based on the investigation Donnez-moi mes données and the work of the whole team at On en parle RTS La première

Philippe Girard, Didier Bonvin, Henry Buxant, Pauline Vrolixs, Delphine Sage, Yves-Alain Cornu, Xavier Bloch, Sacha Horovitz, Frédérique Volery, Théo Chavaillaz, Christophe Canut, Johanna Commenge, Sophie Proust, Murièle Fellay, Aniela Galiceanu, Bastien von Wyss, Julien Schekter.


SSR language services - Jocelyne Delgrande, Anja Lindner, Karen Rocca, Marta Scapellato, Flora Sellin et Marta Venturi

Our experts

  • Jean-Philippe Walter, deputy data protection and information commissioner
  • Liliane Galley, youth protection expert, scientific advisor to the Youth and media platform of the Federal Social Insurance Office
  • Isabelle Dubois, former cantonal data protection commissioner for Geneva, former cantonal judge, lecturer at the University of Geneva and member of ThinkData, AD HOC RESOLUTION
  • Christian Flueckiger, data protection and information commissioner for the cantons of Jura and Neuchâtel, doctor of law and qualified lawyer
  • Jean-Henry Morin, associate professor at the University of Geneva’s Institute of Services Science, president of ThinkService and member of the expert committee at ViGISWISS (Swiss Data Center Association)
  • Solange Ghernaouti, professor at the University of Lausanne, international expert in cybersecurity and cyber defence, director of the Swiss Cybersecurity Advisory and Research Group
  • François Charlet, legal expert specialising in technology law and future lawyer; blogger, trainer and speaker
  • Sylvain Métille, doctor of law, barrister, university lecturer and blogger, expert in issues related to data protection, technologies and cybercrime law
  • Paul-Olivier Dehaye, mathematician, founder of PersonalData.IO
  • Bertil Cottier, professor of communication law at the University of Lausanne and University of Lugano, former deputy director of the Swiss Institute of Comparative Law, member of the steering group for the revision of the FADP

Special thanks to

RTS Gilles Marchand, Anne-Paule Martin, Jean-Marc Béguin, Philippa De Roten, Gilles Pasche, Thierry Zweifel, Romaine Jean. Toute l’équipe du Service linguistique SSR, 36.9 Isabelle Moncada, CQFD Stéphane Gabioud, ABE Manuelle Pernoud / Luc Mariot, Médialogues Thierry Fischer, Six heures-neuf heures, le samedi Antoine Droux, Tribu Julien Magnollay, 19 :30 Bernard Rappaz, Delphine Gianora, Babylone Nancy Ypsilantis. Edith Calamandrei, Magali Philip, Fanny Eternod, Maxime Roux, Christine Narbel, Olivier Cajeux, Franck Jacquemettaz, Michèle Steudler, Patrice Aubry, Selma Memic, Céline Schumacher, Tania Chytil, Armelle Roulet, Ambroise Jolidon, Jonathan Haslebacher, Matthias Bronnimann. Stéphane Laurenceau, Cédric Bornand, Lucas Thorens, Paul Tissot, Mathieu von Wyss, Silvio Dolzan, Anne Baecher, Laurence Amy, Hadrien Mayoraz, Ellen Ichters, Stéphane Gabioud, Johanna Commenge, Sophie Proust. The classes of 11G6 Omar Saffe Établissement secondaire de Gland : Angelo, Loïc, Joaquim, Sofia, Gentiana, David, Dylan, Luis, Déborah, Letizia, Krenar. 10VG4 Yannick Maury Établissement secondaire de Morges-Beausobre : Bruna, Fabio, André, Cloé, Imane, Coline, Tomas, Rúben, Sara, Ethan, Catia, Christopher, Kiefer, Anaïs, Sara. 11VP4 Virginie Butticaz Établissement secondaire de Blonay-Saint-Légier : Jason, Mahélia, Elizabeth, Jeanne, Aloys, Jolan, Lydia, Suny, Oscar, Maena, Shérine, Leopold, Ginnie, Julien, Karl, Anna, Roxane, Jérémie, Penelope, Julia, Théodore, Samanta, Hugo, Clara. And the Canton of Vaud’s Department of Education, Youth and Culture And finally, a huge thank you to: Liliane Galley OFAS, SWISS WEB FESTIVAL Bertrand Saillen, Nora Hesse, Olivia, Archibald, Gaspard, Ophélie, Charlie. No animals, not even Beast, were harmed in the making of this game.



Datak in the media


13.12.2016On en parle 13.12.2016FRC 13.12.201620 minutes 14.12.201624 heures 19.12.2016La Liberté 28.12.2016GeekJunior 05.01.2017LINC 09.01.2017Formation 3.0 11.01.2017RTBF 18.01.2017CNRS 21.01.2017Numerama 23.01.2017iQ France 24.01.2017BEJOUE 29.01.2017Medi1 18.02.2017France Inter (14‘25’’) 10.11.2017RTS -Thot Cursus 16.06.2018Numerama


14.10.2016persönlich 13.12.2016SRF 14.12.2016SRG Insider 21.12.2016ictschule 14.02.2017zebis


13.12.2016Privacy Italiana 14.12.2016RSI 06.03.2017RSI (16’45’’)


12.01.2017IAPP 03.02.2017IAPP

TV spot

Video spots

To contact us
15 new challenges and one indedit minigame!

and also...

102686 ended games...
...a highscore of 14255 by Nonodramas
Jeunes et médias